MailVault v5.0.3 is available. MailVault’s Smart Views already allow for Folder-like organization and Saved-searches; in this release we introduce new Time-based views – convenient one-click searches over the time range you choose. Google Workspace users continue to get more love… MailVault can now directly import users from Google Workspace Users can login to MailVault using […]
Release: MailVault v3.4.18
MailVault v3.4.18 is available. This is a very minor release, which fixes an issue for MailVault Agent users. You can upgrade your MailVault installation by going to: Settings > Core > Auto updates and click on Check for updates [Then simply follow the on-screen instructions.
Back up old, scattered Email into MailVault
When setting up email archiving for an organization, the recommended practice is to configure the mailserver to keep a copy of all email flowing through it into an “archive” account. MailVault picks up all the email from this account by using say, the POP3 protocol and does it’s archiving magic, after which the mail is […]